Future Visage brings together an eclectic group of fine artists and performers from diverse backgrounds and locations to share and celebrate their vision for times to come. Artists are working with oil paint, resin, acrylics, sculpture, lenticular photography, video mixing, digital painting, and other mediums. In addition to live music, performances will include spoken word, unusual instruments and instrumentation, improvisation, ritual, and a live painting event.
Exhibiting Artists:
Antony Zito
Eugene Stetz
Jean-Marie Guyaux
Joff Wilson
Josephine Jansen
Lewy V.
Mary Ann Moy
Paul Kostabi
Tony Mann
Walter Steding
Performers: (all performances start at 8pm)
Amalia Daskalakis and Rococo A Go Go (Friday 8/16)
Colin Dempsey (Friday 8/9)
Jon Blackstone Steele (Saturday 8/10)
Jynx & Dino (Saturday 8/10)
No Valentine (Friday 8/9)
Puma Perl & Friends (Saturday 8/17)
SoulCake (your nightly hosts and house band)
Walter Steding (Saturday 8/17)